Uued normid - HCM

NCHRP 3-92 - Production of the Year 2010 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) has been underway for nearly a year. Preliminary chapters are under review by committee members and friends of the committee. The manual is proposed in a 4-volume format:
Concepts, Uninterrupted Flow, Interrupted Flow and Applications with the Applications volume being on-line only. The material for any given methodology will be largely within the associated chapter as users in both surveys and focus groups expressed dissatisfaction with the existing Part II and Part III approach.
The transit chapter has been removed because the Transit Capacity and Quality
of Service Manual, 2nd edition (TCRP 100) exists. Additionally, materials on pedestrians and bicyclists will be moved into the chapters where they have an impact on operations with the new Pedestrian and Bicycle chapter focused on exclusive facilities for those users.
The Concepts chapter provides the introductory and overview material for the manual as a whole. One new element in the volume will be a discussion of traveler perception, which contrasts operational versus user-satisfaction measures for multiple modes on the urban street. This material was developed under NCHRP 3-70, “Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Street.” A second new element in this volume will be general guidance on the use of alternatives to the HCM. The discussion will incorporate material from NCHRP 3-82, “Default Values for Capacity and Quality of Service Analyses” and NCRHP 3-85, “Guidance for the Use of Alternative Traffic Analysis Tools in Highway Capacity Analyses.” The final report on the former was published as NCHRP 599, Default Values for Highway Capacity and Level of Service Analyses.
The Uninterrupted Flow volume addresses freeways, multilane highways and two-lane highways. The major changes are a freeway facility level of service definition, a new weaving chapter, and removal of the two-way analysis methodology for two-lane roads.
The weaving chapter is a product of NCHRP 3-75, “Analysis of Freeway Weaving Sections.”
The Interrupted Flow volume addresses intersections (signalized, stop-controlled, roundabouts), urban streets and interchange ramp terminals. The traveler perception research will be incorporated into the urban street facilities chapter, along with the material developed in NCHRP 3-79, “Measuring and Predicting the Performance of Automobile Traffic on Urban Streets.” In the signalized intersection
chapter, the current equation-based determination of uniform delay and queue will be replaced with an approach based on
Incremental Queue Analysis. Additionally, the interchange ramp terminals chapter will be replaced with the work developed by NCHRP 3-60, “Capacity and Quality of Service of Interchange Ramp Terminals.”
The Applications “volume” is expected to include a majority of the sample problems, details on some of the more complex, iterative procedures incorporated in the 2010 HCM and case studies to illustrate how the materials in the manual can be applied. The majority of the case studies will be from the existing Highway Capacity Manual Application Guide (http://hcmguide.com) updated for methodological changes and with the addition of a case where alternative tools such as simulation need to be considered.
Individuals interested in participating in committee activities should contact the committee Chairman, Rick Dowling (rdowling@dowlinginc.com) or attend the various sub-committee meetings at TRB (see www.ahb40.org for the agenda.)
Members of the committee will be available to make presentations after the final approval of the manual in June 2009. If your professional organization might be interested in a presentation, please contact the User Liaison Group Chair, Bill Sampson
(bsampson@ce.ufl.edu) and indicate the likely focus of your group (i.e. general overview of HCM, changes from previous manuals, impact on performance measurement, applications to planning etc.)
Individuals doing software development and wishing to see materials in advance of the publication of the manual should contact the NCHRP Program Officer, Ray Derr (RDERR@nas.edu).


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